19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Chapter 7 : Understanding our Kurdish brothers’ problems

Deep state services are at the heart of almost all countries, strong or weak, more or less developed. States’ decisions, policies, demands and war and peace are always in the hands of these services. While such a powerful country as the U.S. is currently implementing a Middle East and great Kurdistan policy under the influence of deep state services, Iran is regarded as a threat by some Middle Eastern Sunnis because of this deep state policy, while the civil war in Syria is resistant to solution due to the involvement of the Russian, Chinese and Iranian deep state services. Countries and heads of states are generally so powerless over such decision-making mechanisms that their non-politicized expressions of conscience are generally totally at variance with actual policy measures. That is because they have to do what they are told by those services in the policy arena.
The history of Turkey is one in which these sinister deep state systems have operated in the most terrifying, cold and ruthless manner. The pressures on various sections of society in this period were unrelenting, and unsolved killings continued unabated. The puppet system totally dominated the state, and the Ergenekon deep state apparatus began propelling the country in an irreligious and fascistic direction.
The unraveling over the previous decade of this terror organization that had wormed its way into the state came as a breath of fresh air to the country. Unsolved killings largely came to an end, the pressures on the devout section of society were largely lifted and violence against various ethnic groups decreased. However, it is still not possible to say that the deep deep apparatus in Turkey has been totally eradicated. It is even possible to say that this system still makes its presence felt through various individuals who have infiltrated the judicial system or the media. However, the old way of thinking has to a large extent been defeated, and the pressures on the people of the country have declined.
In the past, the ugly face of the Ergenekon deep state apparatus made itself felt in a variety of ways, and there is no doubt that our Kurdish brothers were one of the communities that felt its weight most harshly. In order to rectify this, we need to understand their sufferings.

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