19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Those who want to use the PKK

PKK'nın hedefi, Komünist Kürdistan ve ardından komünist dünya
devleti hedefine ulaşmaktır. PKK, bu hedefi gerçekleştirmek için
güçlü bir müttefike ihtiyaç duyduğundan ABD'nin himayesine
sığınmıştır. ABD'ye karşı sadece rol yapmakta, komünist kimliğini
gizleyerek komünist hakimiyete doğru adım adım ilerlemektedir.
ABD ise, nasıl bir bela inşa etmekte olduğunun farkında dahi değildir.
Some segments of the Western deep state known as hawks are well aware of all the actors in the Middle East and their development strategies and their targets. These people we have mentioned in the beginning of this book particularly constitute a certain portion of the Evangelical neo-conservative wing and are certainly aware of the fact that the PKK did not essentially break away from its Marxist roots. They are well aware of the fact that the goal of this organization is to become a communist world state starting with the Communist Kurdistan that they are trying to create on the lands of four countries; they are merely putting on a show for the USA within the scope of this goal. They also know that by congregating with all the communist countries and organizations, the PKK actually is of the opinion of annihilating imperialism. Despite this fact, the US is using the PKK to create a democratic Kurdistan that will be their supporter; for them, the PKK is the first organization that will be dispensed with right after a pro-American democratic Kurdistan is founded on paper. The people in question believe that after the aid and support they've been giving to the PKK is cut and the management of the newly established state is taken over directly by the USA, the PKK would not have any kind of authority in the region and that they will easily eliminate the organization.
At this juncture, this segment of neocons that we mentioned are making a mistake that would have grave consequences. This mistake stems from their inability to realize the dimensions of the threat of communism.  As a matter of fact, after the PKK establishes a communist Kurdistan in accordance with their plans in the region with the support of the USA, they will switch to a strong hegemony in the region with the communist organizations and countries that they have covertly been in contact with for years. They will get the support of European communist organizations and parties to that end and thus will be able to seriously increase their policy of expansionism. Because communism is an ideological system, it will always find the ideological substructure and supporters it seeks. By means of this substructure, it would be possible for them to come into the picture as a communist union against the USA. While the USA is using the PKK to reach their goals, actually it would be the PKK that would be using the USA. Then the aforementioned circles in the USA would be feeding the very communism that they are opposed to and would be constructing a communist country that is preparing to rule the world with their own hands. 

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