19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

The ultimate goal with the use of the KCK

If you ask certain groups in Turkey and around the world “what the PKK ultimately wants to achieve,” they will probably mention the recognition of Kurdish identity, recognition of the mother tongue or some manner of autonomy. However, none of these things represents the real goal of the terrorist organization because the terrorist organization was built, not for the Kurdish people, but for the purpose of spreading communism throughout the Middle East, and even around the world. To this end, they try to use Kurdish nationalism, Kurdish language and the years-long persecution of our Kurdish brothers and sisters as a means towards that end.
The KCK Constitution was drawn up to put this desired communist system into practice. According to this plan, a dictator will lead this system that will replace the existing legal state and people will be made slaves, in line with KCK rules that determine the conditions of a communal system. As this is happening, people will not be allowed to disobey this so-called KCK state’s instructions, and they will be punished immediately if they do, while terror will be practiced as a state rule. The introduction of a communist system would not be limited to these regions and the said communist state regime will be exported first to the Middle East and then to the rest of the world.

The PKK has always abused Kurdish nationalism and tried to deceive some Kurdish people into supporting them this way.
However, the Kurdish nation represents chivalry whereas the PKK represents treachery.
“Long live democratic Autonomous Kurdistan.”
In truth, Öcalan, who has recently abandoned his communist rhetoric as a tactic, spells out this plan setting a different tone:
The KCK Contract is the first stage of the struggle for the expansion of radical democracy which is based upon peoples’ democratic organizations and decision-making power first in Kurdistan, and then in the Middle East, followed by the entire world, by creating a new mechanism of social relations which transcends the statist mentality.
What he actually means with “radical democracy” is the communist order that the PKK has been longing for for 40 years. The word “democracy” is used only to mask their true intentions and their true purpose has nothing to do with democratic norms or governance.
It is of paramount importance that our state and administrators take the following into consideration: The PKK will not stop when Kurdish people are granted the right to education in their mother tongue, or an autonomous region in Southeastern Anatolia or even if a federal state in the region was established. Due to the ideology of the PKK, it is impossible for it to stop its activities in the region and recognize and submit to the authority of the Republic of Turkey. If the PKK manages – God forbid – to break Southeastern Anatolia away from Turkey and successfully build a communist state there, it will not stop and will instead continue its terrorist attacks to make the rest of Turkey a communist state as well. From that point on, it will continue to lay the foundations of a communist world state, progressing through the Middle East in the south, the Balkans and Europe in the west and the Caucasus in the northeast. Once it manages to build a basis, it would not be difficult for it to find supporters.


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