The responsibilities of the Turkish people
Racism is a mental illness beyond ignorance. All people in the world descended from Hazrat Adam (pbuh) and Islam has unquestionably condemned racism. For that reason our Kurdish brothers should not give ear to the policies of so-called "White Turks", who are only few in number in our country. |
Some people who describe themselves as “White Turks” hide behind that term to engage in horrifyingly racist rhetoric, under which not only the Kurds but also other ethnic groups are unwanted.
Racism is a mental disturbance that goes far beyond mere ignorance. Everyone in the world is descended from the Prophet Adam (pbuh), and everyone is therefore created equal. People who adhere to the mindset that regards itself as superior, under the influence of Darwinism or for other reasons, are both ignorant enough to believe in the nonsense of Darwinism and also sufficiently ill to speak words of hate deriving from it. It is therefore wrong to think of someone who engages in racism as normal and rational and to have any dealings with him.
Our Almighty Lord reveals in the holy Qur’an that superiority lies solely in piety, not in ethnicity:
Mankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you might come to know each other. The noblest among you in God’s Sight is the one with the most piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Qur'an, 49/13)
Some people who describe themselves as “White Turks” and who regard Kurdish culture and identity as unbecoming, whose eyes and souls have been atrophied by pride and arrogance, and who imagine that superiority can be endowed by material possessions and education, would like Turkey to consist of its Western areas only and foolishly see nothing wrong in the Southeast breaking away. These people care not one jot whether our Kurdish brothers fall into the clutches of the communists and end up being oppressed. So long as nothing untoward happens to them, they will remain stewing in their own selfishness and living a loveless life in their materialist world.
It must not be forgotten that some of these “White Turks” behave in an arrogant and condescending way, not only toward our Kurdish brothers, but to all the minorities in the country, but even toward the poor and the rural classes, toward people with a low level of education and even toward the sick and disabled. The main reason for this is surely the terribly negative state of mind and weakness of conscience caused by the materialist mindset to which they have fallen prey. These people are the ones that actually suffer from the loveless spirit they have, as this lack of love inside them hurt themselves.
Now, it is time to leave behind the days of oppression, pressure and tears dominating over our Kurdish brothers. Removing the communist threat, we will live peacefully and brotherly in an environment with no cries.
Our brothers praying at the Great Mosque of Diyarbakır.
It is also the case that the people whose views we have outlined above do not represent the majority of the Turkish population. The majority of our people are aware that Kurdish people are a very superior society in terms of honesty, nobility and decency. The honorable nature of the Kurds is a role model for the entire nation, and these brothers of ours represent the very loftiest moral virtues. They never lie, never do anything dishonorable and never make the slightest concession when it comes to honesty. The experience of suffering down the years is a fine teacher, and this makes them best able to exhibit kindness and love toward others who are suffering. The Kurds are therefore many times more worthy than many other people.
The responsibility of our nation is to stand up for the Kurds in such a way as to neutralize the claims and demands of the “White Turks”. Through the love they display, their writings and campaigns in the social media, people can easily neutralize the evil ideas of this loveless minority. Our people must work to show that they share the sufferings of the Kurds down the years and that they are actively opposed to the PKK and the evil apparatuses of the deep state.
The responsibility of our Kurdish brothers is to attach no credence to the words and ideas of this foolish minority. God will always cause the truth to reign. Those who are cruel, heedless of their weakness in the Sight of God and who behave arrogantly will inevitably be defeated under the law of God. Our Kurdish brothers must therefore continue to behave properly and honestly and always collaborate with the goods. There are many true and honest people of good conscience in the country who advocate the rights of the Kurds.
It must not be forgotten that every suffering can only be rectified through love and greater liberty. We are ready to act to make that restitution through love and liberty. We will employ all the means at our disposal for that purpose. What is now needed is a brand new beginning in alliance with all people of love. Islamic Unity is a great cause that will include everyone, regardless of ethnicity and religion. Our Kurdish brothers must share that cause with us, and we must together build a new age of justice and tranquility, where the wicked have no power and no injustices remain.
As our Lord reveals:
As our Lord reveals:
...By His Words God wipes out the false and confirms the truth. He knows what the heart contains. (Qur’an, 42:24)
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