Differentiating between Kurds and the PKK
Let us first emphasize one fact that some of the world’s superpowers and even some people in Turkey insist on ignoring; the Kurds and the PKK are two very different entities. The Kurd is radiant, polite, honorable and of good character. The PKK, however, stands for cowardliness, treachery and degeneration. Accusing a Kurd of being a member of the PKK is one of the worst possible insults, and the worst possible imputation against our Kurdish brothers’ nobility and character.
People who are unaware of or deny this generally regard the Marxist PKK as a “Kurdish resistance movement” and think of it as a movement that encapsulates all the people of the Southeast. This is totally misleading and grossly unfair. As we have already seen, it is an organization that in fact targets our Kurdish brothers. It has built an empire of fear on the backs of the Kurds. Indeed, the great majority of our troops who defend the motherland against the PKK, and almost all the village guards, are themselves Kurds. They risk their own lives to protect their homelands against the PKK for God’s sake.
To give the impression that all Kurds support the PKK, are a separate people from Turkey and are absolutely opposed to the Turkish state is a form of social engineering that has been implemented through our Kurdish brothers for a long time now. The aim here is to give the impression that a handful of communists engaged in terror attacks and our innocent people that might be of Kurdish origin or those living in the East of the country are one and the same. This is intended to create a climate of hatred and hostility toward our Kurdish brethren all across the country.
It should be known that we have no intention to surrender our Kurdish youth and Kurdish citizens to communism. The PKK never and ever represents the Kurds. It is definitely a requirement to differentiate the Kurdish people from the PKK. |
The effort to portray the Kurds and the PKK as one and the same is a very cunning and dangerous tactic. Kurds in various parts of Turkey have been attacked for “being members of the PKK”. These attacks have been turned into an invaluable propaganda tool for the PKK. The people of the region have been given the impression that “The Turks do not want you, they are your enemies”. This has prepared fertile ground for the PKK.
The great majority of our Kurdish citizens in the Southeast are loyal to the death to their country and very fine and devout people with all the moral virtues of Anatolia, and that is a fact that cannot be ignored. May God forbid, if a referendum were to be held in the region, in a manner in which there were no threats of violence or the use of arms, the Kurds would be the first people to refuse to see the country broken up. A report concerning the Kurdish problem by Dr. Salih Akyürek from the Wise Men Center for Strategic Studies (BILGESAM) revealed that more than 90% of the people of the region were opposed to autonomy or federation. Kurdish and Zaza citizens were asked, “Would independence for the Kurds in Turkey be a solution to the Kurdish problem?” and 90.1% of Kurdish citizens answered “No”, saying that they did not want independence. Asked “Would the Kurds being given federative rights lead to a permanent solution to the Kurdish problem?”, 92.7% of Kurdish citizens said. “No”.
Dr. Salih Akyürek, Kürtler ve Zazalar Ne Düşünüyor? Ortak Değer ve Sembollere Bakış (What Do the Kurds and Zazas Think? A Look at Common Values and Symbols), BİLGESAM, report no. 26, Istanbul 2011, http://www.bilgesam.org/Images/Dokumanlar/0-91-2014040810rapor26.pdf
The only thing the PKK represents is treachery. On the contrary, our Kurdish brothers represent honor, integrity, and superior morality. To name the perfidious PKK terrorists as Kurds would only be defamation against being a Kurd. |
Loving and innocent Kurdish people, who are blended with Islamic moral values, deserve the most perfected conduct at all circumstances. |
Since the PKK is also aware of this fact, it is trying to establish dominion over the people by way of intimidation, aggression and pressure. It is therefore essential to strongly oppose the idea spread by some circles, and particularly the PKK, that Kurds=PKK and to defend our dear Kurdish brothers’ rights down to the bitter end. It is absolutely essential to differentiate between Kurds and the PKK and to clearly and determinedly disseminate the distinction. This information must be disseminated in a determined manner, particularly in Western communities, and people must be told of the differences between the devout, spiritual, well-mannered and noble Kurdish people and the cowardly communist organization that is the PKK.
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