19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

The communist tactics employed by the PKK

Communist tactics have generally been implemented resolutely by communist leaders and regarded as essential to the permanent installation of communism. To put it another way, all possible means have been used for the sake of establishing a powerful communist state. It was obvious that Stalin would never support the churches and that Lenin would never allow a capitalist economy. But when circumstances so demanded, a mask was donned with the very greatest expertise.
The same tactic is now being employed by the PKK. The PKK realized that the way to establish a communist Kurdistan, the first stage in the objective of a communist world state, was to draw closer to the West. It is perfectly well aware that maintaining an explicitly communist identity will provoke a reaction from the USA, and that will inevitably end in failure for them.
The word that is constantly being reiterated in the scope of this tactical change is “autonomy”. The term, which is in fact totally condemned in the Manifesto, is now employed day in and day out. Meanwhile, references in the Manifesto to the destruction of the Turkish Republic being essential for the establishment of a communist Kurdistan are glossed over; the organization is well aware of the fact that the term “communism” will never be openly supported by the West. Autonomy, however, is a highly emotive word for the USA and Europe; it also bestows on the PKK the entirely false impression of being “an organization striving for the liberation of the Kurdish people” in the eyes of the West. It is expected that the West would consider this demand as a requisite of democracy and would certainly support it.
When efforts to familiarize the Turkish public with the word autonomy failed, endeavors turned to a policy of softening. Proposals we have been hearing frequently as of late, such as democratic autonomy, canton and democratic confederacy are discussed as a part of the tactical methods employed by the PKK.
Furthermore, although the organization is fiercely opposed to the state system and is organized around the aim of destroying the state, it has changed its language and suddenly began speaking of the Turkish Republic as a guarantor of its own existence. This is in fact the best-known of all the communist tactics. In order to eliminate the institution of state, they have put the plan of firstly being under the guarantee of a strong state, into practice. Autonomy, as the first stage of the end goal, of course requires the presence of the Turkish Republic as a guarantor. In that way it imagines that the Turkish state will serve as the main source that will provide money, arms and infrastructure for them. It plans to establish an army, with money from the Turkish state, which it can subsequently employ against it. The PKK and its supporters are for that reason constantly speaking of the importance of the existence of the state. The true purpose, however, is once it has grown stronger and become a proper state to destroy all the countries around it, including the Turkish Republic, and to continue in that way until it achieves its ultimate aim of establishing a global communist state. All this talk is therefore nothing more than a tactic.
Other tactics employed by the PKK after its adoption of an imperialist mask involves the use of women, the family and religion. Let us now look at these tactics under separate headings:

1. Women under a mask of imperialism

Women, once described as ‘an element of corruption’ by Öcalan, were employed as propaganda tools as required by the imperialist mask
donned by him. Yet the organization is in fact a trap for women,
who are constantly repressed.
Until the 1990's, during the time the PKK openly carried out its Marxist- Leninist ideology, it regarded the family, religion, tribes and women as factors deleterious to its ideology. In the view of the organization, religion and the family, which it regards as the primary institutions of colonialism, had to be eradicated. That is why families, religious officials and tribes became an important area of struggle for the organization. Large numbers of religious officials were killed, and war was declared against the tribes. In his first writings, Öcalan expressed serious contempt for women as the result of his Marxist-Leninist line, and even described women as elements in family that “bring men down and make them degenerate”. Indeed, he never favored the presence of women inside the organization over concerns they would impair men’s ability to fight and would damage the atmosphere within the organization.
At this point, having a look at Öcalan's real opinion about women, particularly Kurdish women, would be entirely appropriate:
The bodies of the majority of Kurdish women are dead, rotten, cold and very graceless. Their physical form is a little bit like this, their souls are dull. They lack intellectuality… They are unable to repeat words not even as much as a parrot does.
However, as we have already seen, the 1990s were a time of splits within the organization, when it was weakened and shrank in size and suffered severe losses. This important cause of a change in tactics also meant that the PKK needed to introduce a change on the subject of women. The organization issued a sudden declaration, and women began being admitted. In 1996, at a time when the organization had been shrinking and losing popular support, it first used women in suicide attacks.
The basic reason why the organization, which was staring defeat in the face, started admitting women was to use them as female fighters to encourage male terrorists. With the female fighters it brought into the forefront since that time, the PKK has opened the way to a form of rivalry, and male fighters on the point of abandoning their links to the organization have been encouraged to stay.

Necati Alkan, PKK'da Semboller, Aktörler ve Kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK), 2012, Karakutu Yayınları, pp. 21-22
Ibid., pp. 77-78
Abdullah Öcalan, Nasıl Yaşamalı (How to live), p. 91
Necati Alkan, PKK'da Semboller, Aktörler ve Kadınlar (Symbols, actors and women in the PKK), 2012, Karakutu Yayınları, pp. 71-72

The real aim behind the admission of women to the terror organization is for women to be used for the purpose of encouraging
the male terrorists in the PKK, which was facing the threat of complete annihilation. Women were used in suicide attacks
solely in order to encourage the men.
Indeed, the level of use of women in suicide attacks is much higher in the PKK than any other terrorist organization in the world. Women are responsible for 55% of suicide attacks carried out or caught before being carried out. Through various deceptive means, women became the pawns of this Marxist organization.

Ibid., pp. 71-72

When the need arose in the organization, Öcalan attempted to win
women over, having previously described them as ‘an element that
corrupts men’, with slogans such as ‘A free woman for a free Kurdistan’.
In the light of such powerful propaganda, many women seeking to
escape the feudal system believed it, but many of them subsequently
regretted it when they saw the true face of the organization.
From that time on, the PKK has made women a very vital part of its imperialist mask in a variety of different ways. It has managed to portray itself as an organization that discusses and values women’s rights in the Middle East, where women are regarded as second-class citizens as a result of feudal views and a conception of Islam disseminated by peddlers of nonsense. This is a very sensitive spot for the West, and the PKK has made the most expert use of it. In the eyes of the West, it appears to be the only community that even mentions women’s rights across a vast swathe of territory. This is the mask, the stratagem, of the PKK that today most deceives Western writers who are thoroughly unacquainted with the movement.
Öcalan, who in fact regards women as a degenerate, cancerous element and the main component of the nuisance that is the family, a concept which he regards as a hurdle that needs to be overcome, suddenly developed a theme of freedom for women as of the 1990s as the requisite of this tactical change. He depicted women as “a land needing to be liberated” and produced the slogan “free woman means a free Kurdistan”.
The publications of the University of Illinois speak of this change within the PKK as follows: 
Until the 1990s, as women had not become active members of the PKK movement, the main focus was on men, and women were regarded as “weak people who cannot be trusted”. However, as the involvement of women in the movement increased, the discourse of Öcalan as well as the PKK in general started to emphasize the role of the women while criticizing the traditional, “feudal” virility of Kurdish men.
It needs to be made clear here that of course the freedom and superiority of women are things to be advocated, and are actually one of the fundamental elements of Islam. The Middle East is by and large very backward in that context, the main reason for this being that Islamic lands have turned away from the Qur’an in favor of superstitions. The logic of the peddlers of superstitions has led to the most extraordinary degeneracy and disaster, not just on the subject of women, but also in terms of quality, democracy, war and peace, art and science. The most important point that needs to be considered here is that true Islam is a way of thinking that exalts women and offers the most perfect description of art, science and democracy. Those who have been led to disaster have turned away from the true Islam of the Qur’an and live by a false religion of superstition. (For more information see “Bigots’ Hatred toward Women” in the book Bigotry, the Dark Danger by Harun Yahya.)
Global Masculinities and Manhood, What makes a man within his own culture, University of Illinois Press, 2013, p. 95

The presence in the Southeast of Turkey in particular, of factors such as refusal to send girls to school, marrying children off at
a young age and traditional killings has always been used as a card by the PKK, and there has been intense propaganda to the
effect that women who head to the mountains will be ‘free’. Many young women up in the mountains are either with the
organization in order to free themselves from the feudal system or else having been kidnapped by it. The PKK is still
kidnapping young people and children in the Southeast of Turkey.
It will also be of use to clarify the following point; it is certainly true that in those times in particular, horrifying customs such as not sending girls to school, marrying them off at an early age, regarding them as worthless and unimportant and even so-called honor killings were widespread in the Southeast of Turkey and the PKK has used this to spread the idea that “if you take up arms, then you will be free”. The majority of young girls in Kurdish villages openly state that they have been deceived by this image of freedom in order to escape oppression by the family or the tribe in general. The number of those who managed to return among the ones who have regretted their decision is very small, because they have generally been threatened or even executed by the organization.

Women must be completely free, and be well-groomed and at liberty to dress as they please. Anyone who advocates real Islam,
meaning the moral values of the Qur’an unadulterated by any superstitions, will also advocate freedom for women. Turkey
must be in the vanguard of this, and must not leave the initiative to a perfidious terror organization such as the PKK that
seeks to make a good impression on the West.
Since Turkey is both an Islamic country and a democratic one, it must lead the way on the subject of attaching value to women and must act as a perfect role model for the Middle East. It must not leave the way clear for bloody terror organizations that have donned a mask for the sole purpose of looking good to the West. It must tell the world how the most perfect, just and proper measures concerning women and democracy are to be found in the Qur’an. When this is made a reality in both the east and the west of Turkey, the way will be clear for the Middle East to escape this scourge and Turkey, as an Islamic country that puts these into action, will have shown the Middle East the true moral values displayed by the Qur’an.

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