The real reason why certain Westerners act in favor of the PKK
Ever since the beginning of the solution process, which the government set in motion with the best of intentions, we have constantly been issuing reminders that a Stalinist terror organization that desires fragmentation and violence will never lay down its arms, that it will take every opportunity to strengthen itself and that it will resort to cunning methods to seize control over the Southeast of Turkey. Now that the fighting has flared up all over again, the PKK is indeed showing that it has turned the former climate of the solution process into a covert policy of occupation for itself. The measures that need be taken concerning this are both urgent and vital. In later chapters, we will be dealing with these measures in greater detail.
The issue that we wish to emphasize here is the approach of certain Western figures since the start of the solution process. Needless to say, when peace comes to a country, the whole world should rejoice and therefore there is nothing wrong in the Western countries’ praise and admiration with respect to the fact that there has not been an outbreak of violence during the period concerned. The odd part is that some spokespeople in these Western countries went on to make some strange propositions to Turkey. Interestingly, all these propositions were in favor of the PKK and built around the PKK’s demands. These suggestions had no indication of any desire to preserve the indivisible integrity of the Republic of Turkey or to make Turkey stronger in the face of the PKK. Probably the most important reason behind this is the fact that what will be achieved by means of the PKK in fact represents the West’s own aims.
Türkiye'ye yönelik baskılar hem içten hem de dışarıdan gözle görülür boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Fakat bu güzel vatanı ve Kürt kardeşlerimizi komünist teröre teslim etmemiz imkansızdır. Bu kirli planı kuranlar, bu sevdadan vazgeçmelidirler. |
One of the most striking examples of this phenomenon is the statements of neocon David Phillips, who has been working as an advisor in the US State Department for a long time. Phillips’ suggestions, made in 2007, regarding Turkey are quite striking. His first suggestion was a general amnesty for the members of the terrorist group if a peace process with the PKK is started. He later followed it up with another fundamental suggestion saying that a civilian constitution be put into practice immediately, which meant that important rights would be granted to local administrations, thus setting the basis for separation.
A statement of Ross Wilson, former US ambassador to Turkey, on April 13-15, 2009, contained similar sentiments. The most important condition was the release of PKK members; the second fundamental condition was the reinforcement of local administrations, which will eventually lead to federalism.
Clearly, certain US groups are attempting to put pressure on Turkey to portray the PKK as a force for peace, to get Öcalan released and to open doors to the division of Turkey. All these plans, which were made years ago and are offered now as fresh suggestions, are being publicly discussed.
The aim is to give the PKK a federal region and pave the way for it to establish a state of the kind that all nations would recognize as a part of “the project to redesign the Middle East”. It is also intended to weaken and defame Turkey, which will be now divided and cut off from the rest of the Middle East as a result of this new formation. The deep states of the Western world think that it will thus be more difficult, both geographically and ideologically, for an Islamic Union to be formed, and Turkey and the Islamic countries will be separated by a communist-Stalinist PKK state which is opposed to Islam and that acts like a barrier in between. It will create an impression of Turkey as a second-rate country defeated by a terrorist group and which is therefore far from being able to find solutions to the problems of the Islamic countries. If the PKK is given autonomy or a federal state, Turkey will have to face a new era which Turkey will have to deal with for at least 50 years and which will further weaken it. Talk of population exchange demands, fresh land demands, and fresh separation demands based on regional factors, when combined with different languages, will alienate people from a common language, a common goal and a common cause. A divided, weakened and powerless Turkey will be giving certain deep powers of the Western world what they have been dreaming of for a century.
For this reason, certain Western powers have long attempted to put pressure on Turkey to ensure local administrations are given increased authority, without directly referring to phrases like “autonomy” or “federation” (though there are exceptions where some brazenly speak in such terms). In fact, some of these privileges have already been granted as a part of the law of harmonization code of the EU, which we will be discussing in more detail shortly.
The pressure by various think tanks, diplomats and writers on Turkey has now become quite visible. Turkey from time to time faces threats that it will find itself embroiled in a Middle East war if it fails to comply with the conditions set by the spokespeople of the Western deep state. It is implied that without NATO aid, we will be vulnerable to missiles and other air strikes and there have even been suggestions that Turkey be dismissed from NATO. Turkey is threatened to be portrayed in the Western world’s sight as a country not worthy of investment, where there are extensive human rights violations and which is best dealt with through being isolated.
Let us reiterate: We, too, want PKK issue to be solved. However, this solution will never be one based on the bullying of the Western deep states, which will bring the establishment of a communist state with it and in which Turkey will compromise its territory or identity. The only way to fundamentally resolve the PKK problem is a thorough-going educational campaign that will alienate the terrorist group from Marxist ideology.
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