6. Forming close alliances with the Western world based on solutions
Among the Western think tanks and politicians, especially in the USA, the existence of people who take the problems in the Middle East seriously as a problem of humanity and make a sincere effort to solve this matter is undoubtedly known. What should be called upon here is that the plans to divide the Middle East actually belong to a very small group of people. "Humanity" and "peace" are the points many politicians, bureaucrats and opinion leaders concentrate on. Consequently what is going on in the Middle East pains them as well and they try to make an effort for a solution.
Western countries should be informed comprehensively about the PKK. The treachery of the PKK should be disclosed in detail. The West should be informed on how a supposed communist state set about from Turkey would be detrimental. |
Those people in question are those with whom we should be in alliance against this communist movement such as the PKK, which will bring about a horrifying disaster in the Middle East. Getting in touch with some names abroad, especially with those who have moderate and warm policies towards Muslims in the region and who look for solutions to the Middle East problem, is a must. Connections should be established with various non-governmental organizations and each and every one of them should be informed separately about the danger that is the PKK.
With the effective use of social media, editors, columnists, TV producers both in Turkey and abroad, should be contacted one by one. These people should be told about the dream of the PKK to establish a communist, materialist, autonomous state in the region and should be informed about the insidious, bloody acts they carry out to attain this dream. The facts that those PKK terrorists who put on a show as peace envoys towards certain segments of people abroad and at home are actually martyring our police officers and soldiers the first opportunity they get by laying ambushes in streets, who are perfidiously shooting police officers sleeping at their homes and are not even hesitating to attack women and children, should be explained thoroughly.
The harm that the disintegration of Turkey would bring about on the whole world should be explained and the fact that a communist based separatist movement starting from Turkey would instigate a war and terror environment that would spread to all Islamic countries and then to all the continents in a domino effect, should be expounded. It should be kept in mind that many Westerners do not know the true nature of the PKK. The cost of strengthening a communist-Stalinist organization to the Middle East should definitely be set forth with the use of persuasive facts.
It should be taken into consideration that various difficulties will be faced while forging an alliance with the West and during the efforts for persuasion. Some people unaware of the fact of the PKK might resist these explanations. For that reason, hostile and racist discourses should be avoided and the situation should be explained by using kind, rational, patient, sincere, and moderate words. The intellectual substructure of the things that will be explained should be prepared and scientific methods should be employed. Romantic, weak explanations, bereft of evidence, that are not based on scientific and rational foundations, should strictly be avoided.
The YPG is a branch of the PKK. While the PKK is listed amongst the terrorist organizations, West’s not including the YPG to that list and thereby supporting it unreservedly will only benefit the PKK. The West is unaware of the trouble it is a part of and must definitely be informed of this. |
Sensible individuals in the West should be persuaded about the fact that instead of a "clash of civilizations", "the alliance of the good" will definitely bring about victory. It should be emphasized that Christians, Jews and Muslims should act in unison in the face of troubles and that Turkey is ready for such an alliance. The true Islam and the sufficiency of the Qur'an should be explained. It should be emphasized that our Middle East policy is a policy of peace reflecting the true spirit of Islam.
It should be reminded that although Turkey is a member of the NATO, the aforementioned organization does not carry out its due commitments. While the NATO accepts the calls for meetings when it comes to our country, it is substantially ignorant towards the fact that our country is under the threat of separation and is currently facing numerous terrorist attacks. The unjustified occupation of two countries -Afghanistan and Iraq- in the wake of a terrorist attack towards the US was accepted as normal. While that is the case, it should be shown to everyone that nothing tangible has ever been done against the terror organization that's been attacking Turkey for 40 years and that the related countries merely placed the organization into their list of terrorist organizations and that even this condition had been broken over the PYD/YPG. Consequently, the PKK terrorist organization is currently enjoying direct support of various institutions and deep states of the world and this should be made known to everyone.
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