The Jewish lobby as a tool
from the Jewish lobby. In fact, however, they believe that a great many Jews will be slaughtered in the bloody war they expect to see in the future. |
When they are in the administration in America and even when they are not, the neoconservatives still remain highly influential by way of various think-tanks and civil society organizations. Of course, the support they receive from some Jews and the Jewish lobby occupies an important place in this. However, a serious discrepancy emerges at this point. As we have already seen, some Evangelicals believe that with the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), only 144,000 Jews will be left alive by converting to Christianity, while the others will be slaughtered in that great war. Therefore, some Evangelicals regard the Jews as being on the wrong path and are preparing for a war in which they will be slaughtered. On that basis, we may say that these Evangelicals’ attitude toward the Jews is not one of a genuine alliance; it is simply a means to an end.
One can see that in various statements by widely-known Evangelicals themselves. Asked during an address about the identity of the antichrist, the famous 20th-century Evangelical Jerry Falwell gave a most interesting answer: “The Antichrist will, by necessity, be a Jewish male.” In an address given years before, Billy Graham said: “A lot of the Jews are great friends of mine. They swarm around me and are friendly to me, because they know that I am friendly to Israel and so forth. But they don't know how I really feel about what they're doing to this country, and I have no power and no way to handle them.” Following the revelation of these words, Graham was forced to say, “Although I have no memory of the occasion, I deeply regret comments I apparently made... some 30 years ago… They do not reflect my views and I sincerely apologize for any offense caused by the remarks…. Throughout my ministry, I have sought to build bridges between Jews and Christians.”
These quotes show that the way some Evangelicals appear to support the Jews is simply due to the fact that this represents one of their preconditions for Doomsday. In other words, in the eyes of some Evangelicals the Jews are simply a tool for achieving that end. While some Jews are unaware of that, others make no objection, despite being well aware of that aim. That is because while the supporters of Zionism are very few in number, the Jews in question are pleased that their own beliefs are being supported, albeit in a somewhat backhanded way.
Let us now reiterate an important point we made at the beginning of this book: of course not all Evangelicals or all neoconservatives share these views. Indeed, the great majority has no desire to see a war that will end in the devastation of the Middle East and harbor no hostility toward Jews and Muslims. Indeed, the majority of them are people of love who wish to build bridges between the faiths, who are striving hard to do so and who feel a genuine love for Muslims and Jews.
Of course, not all Evangelicals long to see a war that will devastate the Middle East. Those who do desire it have clearly misinterpreted Evangelical belief. That error may result in terrible outcomes in the Middle East. Our purpose here is to draw attention to it and indicate the true path. |
It needs to be remembered that the Evangelicals described herein, and who harbor a deep expectation of war, hold this view due to misinterpretation. Since the purpose of this book is to set out this error, the logical flaws inherent in the scenario of war in which only 144,000 Jews will be left alive also need to be revealed. The fact is that so long as they adhere to such a belief system it will be next to impossible for these Evangelicals to establish genuine unity and friendship with the Jews. For the Jews meanwhile, the situation is perilous and uncertain. There is no probability of a Christian with such a perspective ever being able to regard a Jew as a true friend. At the same time, Jews aware of this will inevitably doubt the sincerity and friendship of Christians who believe in such a scenario of slaughter against themselves. Under those conditions, temporary alliances between representatives of the two faiths will be mere window dressing, and a true alliance will be impossible to forge, as is to be expected when one group expects the other group to serve as little more than kindling for their apocalyptic vision.
The expectation of war that makes unity among the different faiths, peace and brotherhood impossible is a direct violation of the law of God and the reason behind the sending of the prophets. There is therefore a problem of perception behind some Evangelicals’ expectation of a terrible war. |
Yet an alliance between the faiths is vitally important and necessary in the End Times. Even for that reason alone, there are clearly a number of problems in the expectations in question in Evangelical belief.
The situation is very much worse from the Muslim perspective; that is because in the opinion of some Evangelicals, the final battle will end in the slaughter of all Muslims. An Evangelical who believes that will inevitably live in the belief that all Muslims need to be killed, even someone whose goodness and honesty he is sure of, for whom he feels love and respect and whom he trusts with his whole heart. That is a terrifying state of affairs both for the Christian in question and for a Muslim who wishes to be in an alliance with and to love him. The inevitable conclusion is that there can never be any alliance or solidarity between Christians and Muslims, and that would mean the Earth becoming a place of horror where peace can never come; that erroneous worldview alone is enough to spark a comprehensive policy of enmity. It is impossible for an Evangelical Christian who thinks like that to establish a true interfaith friendship. Such a life is not the kind of life that God desires. A true religion can obviously never teach such a policy of enmity nor such a scenario of slaughter. That means there must be a gargantuan error in the interpretation of religion.
It is also a violation of reason and faith to imagine that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), sent to the world as a representative of peace and love, and also a prophet of Muslims, could bring about slaughter in the End Times, something which is totally at variance with the reason of his creation. A true Christian who is properly acquainted with the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) needs to be suspicious of any such idea. Such a terrifying plan, one that would make love and peace on earth impossible, is incompatible with both the law of God and the purpose behind the sending of the prophets. There is, therefore, a manifest misunderstanding here and a question of perception. (For further details on this subject see Christians Must Heed Jesus by Harun Yahya)
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