19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Pseudointellectual sycophants in the Middle East and Asia

It is most important to be well-acquainted with the flaws of character and logic of those who prefer to support the American, British, German and other deep states instead of the interests of Islam and Muslims. The most distinguishing features of these pseudointellectual sycophants is their sense of inferiority and the way they try to cover it up by putting on airs. Such people, who are frequently found in Asia and the Middle East, make numerous foolish concessions in order to acquire prestige and, even worse, encourage others to make such concessions, too. This character defect – that no Muslim who believes in God and who knows that all might and power belong to Him would ever exhibit – is spreading rapidly, by being encouraged by such types in most countries. It is of the greatest importance to perform an accurate analysis in order to take the necessary precautions before this turns into a societal disease and for these people’s moral and intellectual flaws to be exposed.
One of the main activities of intelligence organizations such as the CIA and the think tanks that are the extensions of such organizations is to identify people they can control inside Middle Eastern and Asian societies. However, the CIA and other intelligence organizations tend not to deal with them directly, but use various think tanks or writers and go-betweens. Having identified such people with their sense of inferiority, they then win them over with clichéd language and ideas. They start approaching such people by saying things like, “You are very talented, you could be a great and famous author,” “You are very clever, your cleverness stands out among other people” or “You are different from the rest.” One of the tactics they frequently employ to influence people with that pseudointellectual sycophant character is to manipulate them by saying, “You are clever and modern. Muslims are misunderstood, and it would have a great impact if people could see you.” Since they accurately identify the other person’s sense of inferiority and know that they can easily influence them with such manipulation they frequently resort to such ideas. 
The next stage is to control the writings of such writers with their sense of inferiority. In fact, most of these people are not particularly talented writers anyway, but they are in one way or another made into authors. These people are first provided with an opportunity to write for the domestic market and later for international web sites or newspapers. They then become “famous.” And all these writings are supervised and are usually totally rewritten by those who provide those opportunities. It begins with advice along the lines of “Do you not think it might be better to say such and such instead?” after which these writings gradually come to entirely support the views and interests of those sinister forces. That is the trickery lying behind dozens of articles in the international arena against a Muslim country or Muslims that obviously all share a common source.
At the basis of this system is the pseudointellectual sycophantic character of various writers in the Middle East and Asia. Let us now look at that pseudointellectual sycophant character in more detail:

The defeatism that stems from an inferiority complex

The inferiority complex is a widespread psychological problem in the Middle East and Asia. The complex derives from a person regarding himself as unworthy in the face of someone else, particularly someone whom he regards as superior.
Many people from Asia and the Middle East are self-conscious right from the outset, due to the color of their skin, the different languages they speak or the fact that their resources are relatively less than those of the West. According to such people’s sickly mindset, being born in a Middle Eastern or Asian country, being an Arab, Pakistani, Indian, or Egyptian, is enough to feel inferior. Those born in the West must necessarily be superior to them.
Since they have no self-respect, these people are unable to develop a character that will be respected by others. They are deeply pained by their feelings of inferiority in the face of those they regard as their “superiors” and they strive to cover that sense of inferiority up by striving to be happy and content. They are always trying to prove themselves to the people for whom they act as pseudointellectual sycophants. They therefore advocate not their own ideas, but those imposed on them by others, and imagine that they will enjoy greater esteem by doing so. They live, not a true life, but one shaped by the idea of, “if you do this, you will be admired.”

Pseudointellectual sycophants are prepared step by step by their lords and masters

Pseudointellectual sycophants are easily employable tools for intelligence agencies and their various think tanks. The bodies in question generally use these people to raise issues they could not bring up themselves or issues that might provoke a negative reaction. For example, it would not be that significant among the international public if an American were to make comments against Turkey, and it would be most unwelcome among the Turkish public. Yet if a Turkish writer says things against Turkey, then that will be very sensational indeed. That is why the identification and training of pseudointellectual sycophants and making them ready for use is such an important process.
Once such pseudointellectual sycophant characters have been identified, they go through a lengthy and fastidious grooming process. These people are first approached by telling them, “You are an intellectual, and very different from the others.” Then they are gradually molded into the desired form. During this process, it is the pseudointellectual sycophants’ immense efforts to gain approval that most serve the interests of their “lords and masters.” They begin influencing such a person by first praising his/her “intelligence” and “knowledge,” while indoctrinating that person with their own philosophies on the one hand and turning him or her into a writer on the other. Guidance along the lines of, “This sentence on that subject is not exactly right,” or, “Why not put it this way instead?” is actually part of the training. Through this detailed training these people are both turned into writers and indoctrinated with a specific philosophy. After minor corrections of sentences in their articles, this then turns into, “Why not let me write this section for you?”. Whole paragraphs are added or removed. During this time, the pseudointellectual sycophant starts to learn what form the “ideal” written text should take. The result is basically a conveyor belt production of numerous papers, the work of a common mind and defending the same way of thinking.
Many articles you read overseas in particular are prepared in that way.
Pseudointellectual sycophants’ education is not limited to their writings. They are also taught in fine detail how to behave in which environment, what to wear, what subjects to make jokes about and how to react to events. They are told to adhere to this model if they want to be famous in the West, to be admired by those around them and to be regarded as “someone very important” in their own country. The ultimate result is people with no beliefs, analyses or ideas of their own and who are totally devoted to the beliefs, philosophies and lifestyles of their “lords and masters.”
At this point, the person imagines that they have made friends within a terribly important social circle. The idea that they have acquired such a circle of friends goes some way toward easing their inferiority complex. The people in charge of the system are also very careful to give that same impression. The German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who admitted working for the CIA, summarized how the system works very clearly:
“The reason I agreed was that I came from a poor family. It was like a penniless child suddenly finding himself in a candy shop, and everything was free … Instead of money, they game me gifts that money could not buy. For example, an honorary citizenship award in the U.S. state of Oklahoma, gold watches, five-star trips and even women. But most important of all I was being included in a five-star business network. I could call for help whenever I was in any difficulty because I knew the highest-ranking figures in the network. You are chosen to be present in the same diplomatic environments as chancellors. You are placed next to influential people when you travel to foreign countries. They trust you. That was a lovely feeling.”
As we have seen, the system satisfies feelings such as “being famous,” “rubbing shoulders with famous people” and “being admired,” on the part of those whom it wishes to win over. Rubbing shoulders with cabinet ministers and members of Parliament, in other words giving the impression that “you are important, too,” is far more important than money to such people.

The desire for approval, the idea of being approved of by the “lords and masters”

The most sensitive point of people with an inferiority complex is “being taken seriously.” Those who know how to do that can easily make these people devoted to them through small gifts and gestures. 
There is no need for expensive gifts in order to win over the pseudointellectual sycophant. While they may appear to be greedy, they do not actually expect a very lofty position or title. The most important thing to satisfy them is to receive the approval of those from whom they seek it because their true sense of inferiority is actually in the face of those people. Even if they become involved in the running of their own countries or become the CEO of a very large company, they are still unable to shake off that feeling of inferiority toward those to whom they behave as pseudointellectual sycophants. That means that they can never truly escape the desire to be liked and approved of by them.
Since their aim is to be liked, approved of, honored and esteemed, hearing things like, “Well done, that was a good piece of writing” or, “That was a good speech,” cause them to feel like they're walking on air. They have no hesitation about writing negative things about their own circles, loved ones or countries in order to hear the words, “Well done.” They ruthlessly denigrate and look down on everyone. The main subject of their writings generally consists of such denigration. They imagine that the more they speak out against Muslims, the more they foolishly criticize Muslims and the more they look down on Muslims, the more praise they will receive. They even tend to put on airs along the lines of, “Look, nobody can criticize Muslims as much as me. I know them best and I put them down best.” Or they imagine that the more they denigrate their own countries as “anti-democratic,” “backwards” or “oppressive,” the more “first-rate” analyses they will be producing. The way that a great many writers denigrate their own countries to foreigners and look down their noses at their own people is based on sending the message that “I am different from them; I am in fact one of you.” The aim behind their writings and analyses is not to produce genuine criticisms and solutions, but to disseminate propaganda and hear the words “Well done.”
Of course, Muslims or the countries they live in may very well have attitudes deserving of criticism, and that criticism certainly needs to be made. But the aim of these pseudointellectual sycophants is not to be instrumental in the correction of errors through criticism, but to earn the approval of the people whose approval they seek. That means that their writings and analyses and statements go no further than being propaganda for the circles in question.

They also offer up their sexuality to their lords and masters

One of the most appalling aspects of this clan-like order is the way that the pseudointellectual sycophants of the Middle East and Asia also offer up their sexuality to their “lords and masters.” Male or female, these pseudointellectual sycophants also attempt to earn the physical and sexual approval of those they regard as superior to them. Young girls of the Middle East and Asia are made available for the enjoyment of middle-aged people belonging to secretive organizations in the West with great wealth at their disposal.
In the same way that young girls who wish to become famous in the movie industry from time to time offer up their sexuality to people they believe can help them become stars, some Middle Eastern and Asian women with affectations and feelings of inferiority will also make their bodies available so that their articles can appear in a well-known newspaper or so their views can be heard on a well-known channel. It is known that many young Palestinian, Pakistani or Egyptian women seek to be a part of certain circles by building and using such relationships.
These young women who offer up their own sexuality for the sake of acceptance have also become part of a very strange system. They not only have to offer their sexuality to the lords and masters they are directly associated with, but also to other people those masters refer them to. Although this is a humiliating situation, it is not regarded as in any way extraordinary in those circles. One often sees an attractive Palestinian woman entering into a relationship with a well-known Israeli businessman, being made part of the circle she has wanted to enter all her life as a result and also entering into relations with other “lords and masters” in order to be able to remain in that circle. Many politicians are known to have taken advantage of this in the murky world of U.S. and British politics. Many Middle Eastern and Asian girls are used in this painful way by personalities that include former ministers, former prime ministers and former lawmakers. 
As the public reads their daily papers or watch analyses on TV they are unaware of this painful truth. They imagine that these people are setting out their own ideas and thinking and researching matters for themselves. The fact is, however, that these people who have fallen under the influence of those circles, even in sexual terms, cannot possibly set out their own opinions or conclusions. 

Submission to their masters’ beliefs

Another one of the most striking features of Middle Eastern and Asian pseudointellectual sycophants is their submission to their masters’ beliefs: In other words, these people sign up to a belief system that is developed for them, rather than acting in the light of the truth inspired by God in the Qur’an, our Prophet (pbuh) and their own consciences. Since they completely subscribe to the worldview of their lords and masters, they also shape their beliefs on the basis of those masters’ opinions. They do not regard what God says as at all important – may God forbid – but regard what the deep state of America or Great Britain says as most significant. They do not apply what is written in the Qur’an, but implement everything their masters, whom they deify, say. They never think of the interests of Muslims or the Islamic world, but defend the interests of the circles in which they are enslaved right to the bitter end. That attitude is actually an external manifestation of their subconscious hatred for Muslims and the anger and inferiority they feel at having been born in the Islamic world.
For example, the fact that Muslims may be harmed by an idea they espouse causes these people no distress at all. They place innocent Muslims in a terrible predicament under the guise of saying, “I am making a stand against terror” or, “This is not part of the real Islam.” Defending the air attacks taking place in numerous countries, such as Iraq and Syria in particular – and also in places like Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan – is one example of this. Aerial bombardments are a form of mass punishment that destroys everyone in the selected target area, making no allowances for women and children, or the sick and the elderly. It is a violation of both good conscience and human rights law. Whole towns and villages are not destroyed in any democratic country for the sake of catching people who have committed serious crimes. Nobody, not even a crazed killer, is killed by having bombs rained down upon him, before he is even put on trial, in any democratic country. When it comes to Islamic lands, however, these secret forces put the law and democratic values on the back burner. It is at this point that the responsibility for portraying such an inhumane and unconscionable policy as something “reasonable” to public opinion falls to the pseudointellectual criticisms of the Middle East and Asia. These people passionately espouse tactics that wreak great destruction and havoc in Islamic lands and lead to the deaths of significant numbers of civilians under the name of the “fight against terror.” If their masters say, “Let us kill,” then they say, “Let us kill,” too. If their masters say, “Let us bomb people,” then they say, “Let us bomb people,” too or, “Let us do even more than that.” Yet someone who really wants to fight terror will know that the intellectual foundation of terror needs to be demolished; he will know that no solution will be forthcoming through guns and bombs without intellectual activity as well. Even more importantly, he will know that violence always leads to more violence. Yet what matters for these people is not the truth, but for the people these pseudointellectual sycophants serve to tell them, “Well done!” Merely for the sake of a “Well done!” and gaining even more approval they enthusiastically espouse the most ruthless policies that are wholly incompatible with the Qur’an and are willing to stand in the ranks of murderers.
Another striking example of the surrender of beliefs on the part of these pseudointellectual sycophants is the way they never refer to Islamic Unity and even, on the contrary, describe how – in their view – such a thing is well-nigh impossible. Even though God commands Muslims to be united and even though numerous verses of the Qur’an tell them to be brothers and live in unity, these people insist on opposing unity. They reveal their opposition through rather cunning tactics. For example, they do not openly stand up and say, “Let us not be united” because they know that will of course attract a great deal of criticism. They use fabricated hadiths instead. They use a false hadith attributed to our Prophet (pbuh) but which was never spoken by him, which reads, “Disagreement among my community is a mercy.”They thus seek to influence Muslims by saying “Look, even our Prophet (pbuh) says there is no need to be united.” Yet our Prophet (pbuh) would never say anything that was incompatible with the Qur’an. He would never say there is mercy in division when dozens of verses of the Qur’an command Muslims to be united. Unity is a blessing for Muslims because that is God’s command. Yet for people with this pseudointellectual character, it is not God’s command that matters, but the interests of the masters whose toadies they are.

Pseudointellectual sycophants in Turkey

A close inspection will also reveal the presence of the pseudointellectual sycophant character, which is so widespread in the Middle East and Asia, also in Turkey. One of the most distinguishing characteristics of these people, who live far removed from the spiritual values of their own country – or who, to be more accurate, imitate a foreign culture – who are ignorant of Turkey’s shared values, who seek to give the impression of being unaware of popular values and beliefs, who despise ordinary people and regard themselves as terribly important and who analyze events from a remarkably narrow perspective is that they care absolutely nothing for Turkey’s interests.
Just like the examples from other countries, these people denigrate Turkey at great length, make comments contemptuous of the Turkish people and, even more painfully, passionately espouse ideas that may damage the country in the long term, all for the sake of a “Well done!” The recent increase in writings and statements that seek to portray the PKK as a group of freedom fighters, that try to bring Turkey to heel using the threat of the PKK, that threaten Turkey along the lines of “Either you support the PKK or else you must suffer the consequences,” and that prepare the way for the breaking up of the country is one indication of this. These people, who espouse the ideas served up to them by various think tanks in the West on almost a word-for-word basis, never stop to think where the line they espouse may lead. They espouse whatever they are indoctrinated with for the sake of approval, a desire for fame or even something as simple as just seeing their name under a column in a foreign newspaper. When they promote these ideas they imagine that they will be perceived of as ultra-modern, capable of seeing what ordinary people cannot and making the most accurate analyses. The fact is, however, that they are people who merely recite what is told to them, have lost all character and self-esteem and are regarded with pity by the majority of people.
Pseudointellectual sycophants also compete with one another in terms of pseudointellectual sycophancy. The competition involves seeing who can secure most “well dones” and who can be most pseudointellectually sycophantic. In order to win that contest, they entirely abandon the interests of their own country and merely wonder how to make themselves even more popular. It is this competition over pseudointellectual sycophancy that lies behind the way they shower praise upon the PKK, even though they know full well that it is a traitorous terror organization that still continues to martyr our troops and police; they routinely raise the subject of an amnesty for terrorists and even shamelessly advocate the idea of Turkey providing the terrorists with weaponry. The anti-Turkish writings, or comments within those writings, that frequently appear in the foreign press are a manifestation of that competition. The pseudointellectual sycophancy contest waged out of a hope that “maybe they will include me among them and then my name will be mentioned in the same breath as theirs,” will eventually cause damage that leads the person concerned to sign up to all kinds of ugliness; instead of sacred values such as their own cause or ideal, the family, the nation and the country, these lackeys of the Western deep states are far more concerned about what their “masters” think.
Another humiliating behavioral defect that the people in question learn from their masters is that of putting on airs.

A common philosophy: Putting on airs

Putting on airs is a behavioral and moral defect that is widespread in Western countries. These people, whose language consists of a mixture of showiness and an “I know best” attitude have a common tone of voice, accentuation, way of sitting and placing the spotlight on themselves. Their desire is to emphasize this state of being “rather special,” which regards themselves as different to other people in their every gesture and action. Some of the best known aspects of putting on airs are using exaggerated facial expressions, insisting on using foreign words all the time when speaking, speaking while chewing gum, describing things they would never normally like in terms of admiration, describing places they may never have been to as if they knew them well and people they may never have met as if they were close friends, and talking about music they have never heard as if they liked it very much or about films and art they have never seen as if they understand them very deeply. Being able to sit in the lobby of a five-star hotel, blowing the smoke from a cigar given to them as a gift by that hotel into other people’s faces, posing with a wine glass in their hand and being seen at the entrance to a famous restaurant are all terribly important to people who put on airs.
Details about the routine day-to-day matters in the lives of high-quality and noble people are of exaggerated importance in the lives of those who put on airs. They imagine they can become esteemed and gain importance through them. They make every effort to show that importance they imagine they possess to other people. Every action in the philosophy of putting on airs is intended to tell those whom the individual admires so greatly that “I am one of you.” That is why in one sense, putting on airs represents a common language and philosophy among superficial folk. Someone who puts on airs will immediately recognize another of that ilk, and someone who puts on airs will best understand the language of another of that kind.
Although putting on airs is an embarrassing and humiliating state of mind, many ignorant people feel a sincere admiration for those who do so. Those who put on airs, often starting in high school, enjoy great prestige among other people, while modest and well-mannered people are generally undervalued. That is the reason why difficult, spoiled and showy people enjoy such great esteem in high school. Putting on airs then continues to grow apace after high school. While the pop music groups they listen to, the concerts people go to and what they buy in the shops are all tools for putting on airs in their school years, in the years that follow, it is such phenomena as one’s social circle, the places one chooses to go on holiday, the exhibitions one attends, one's rank and position, the car one drives and the area of town one lives in that acquire greater importance. Each one of these is used as a tool to psychologically put down more modest folk.
Putting on airs is a common philosophy between pseudointellectual sycophants in the Middle East and Asia and their masters. However, pseudointellectual sycophants never put on the airs they learned from their masters in front of them. They only display such an attitude to put down ordinary people whom they regard as beneath them and inferior. In the presence of their masters, they are most humble and sycophantic; they would never think of putting on airs to them. It is not hard to imagine the kind of language that someone in Egypt, Bangladesh or Palestine who has been to Europe will use, or the way he will look down on ordinary people. People who live in a state of deeply-rooted feelings of inferiority in Europe or America, and slavishly do everything they are told, suddenly develop an entirely different character when they return to their own countries, as if that despised person had not really been them at all; that is another manifestation of putting on airs. What is genuinely embarrassing is that poor, ordinary people are generally deeply impressed by such airs and regard the person concerned as someone terribly special or important.
Yet the moral values and qualities that should really be admired are those of the believer. The character of the believer, who knows that God is the Lord of all blessings, that all power and all might belong to Him alone and who is fully submitted to Him, is as steady as a rock; that character is sturdy and unshakeable. That person knows that he is dealing with mere shadow entities and that God witnesses him at all times and he never stoops to the facile. He is ultra modern and high-quality. He lives by the moral values desired by God, not by those of the people who would seek to shape him for their own ends. He knows that the lords and masters whom the pseudointellectual sycophants regard as very important and enslave themselves to are themselves nothing but helpless servants of God and mortal beings. The respect and value he places on someone is directly proportional to that person’s love and fear of God. He will never be rude to anyone, but he knows how humiliating it is to feel inferior in the face of weak and helpless human beings. The only entity to Whom the believer will sincerely submit himself is God.

“The fighters do what they like and no one can say anything to them—if they order you to do something or not to do something, you can’t say no or argue that it isn’t right,”
Kobani Kurds are careful with public criticism of the PYD, fearing retaliation. None who are critical agree to their family names being published. The party can make life very difficult for dissenters.
Many of the fighters in Kobani weren’t Syrian Kurds but members of the PKK, designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. and the European Union.
The commanders calling the shots now in Kobani are not the local municipal leaders trotted out for Western media interviews to highlight the role of women fighters during the siege. They are instead what locals call Qandil Kurds, a reference to the PKK’s mountain-range sanctuary in northern Iraq that extends 30 kilometers into Turkey and contains the separatist movement’s military training camps.
“Five of the top commanders during the siege were from Kobani and 15 were Qandil commanders,” admits a YPG fighter, who declined to be named.

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