Communist terror will not come to an end without education
This fake map designed for a communist Kurdistan will never become reality. Eradicating terror and the communist mindset completely is only possible through education. |
It should not be forgotten that every deterrent means possible can be used against communist terror, but their underlying ideology is the reason why communists take up arms. Peace agreements, mutual negotiations or deterrent methods can never give definitive results unless their ideology is refuted. No communist uprising has ever been soothed through negotiations. Those who attempt to give the IRA in Ireland or ETA in Spain as an example in our day are gravely mistaken. The terror in our country is based on the dream of establishing a communist Kurdistan and unless an educational policy is initiated, it will not come to an end before they reach that goal.
Our youth should be educated against the communist threat and should learn what they are up against and with which scientific methods they will be able to annihilate this. Our brothers in the Southeast should have a grasp of scientific data that would refute the Darwinist-communist danger, and by getting to know the true understanding of Islam as depicted in the Qur'an, they should free themselves from the bigotry and superstitions brought about by the radical mindset. A policy of education, particularly aimed at our Southeast region, is of crucial importance. This policy of education should advance with a policy of love aimed towards our brothers in the region. This education should be given together with the love of our state and of our people.
Educators having a self-righteous or arrogant appearance would create grave disadvantages. It should not be forgotten that this truth lies at the root of the long-standing unrest of the Kurdish youth. All our citizens are equal in every aspect in this country and anyone claiming superiority over another would only be displaying his own profound ignorance. Consequently, education should definitely be presented to the people of the Southeast along with the love that they long for.
The oppression our people in the Southeast have suffered over the years is a dire situation that we know full well and we are all too familiar with the results. Even though our Kurdish brothers have suffered a great deal over the years, this is certainly a mistake that could be easily redeemed. That should never be forgotten.
The following chapter is allocated to this important matter.
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