2. The primitive communal society envisaged by the KCK Contract
Karl Marx’s interpretation of history was based on Charles Darwin’s now scientifically discredited theory of evolution. Marx hypothesized the presence of a dialectical process from the primitive to the more advanced in living things and suggested that this also needed to be applied to history. According to this false view, centered around materialism, history begins with the first hominids. This mythical creature was neither fully human nor fully gorilla, but it gradually acquired human characteristics as it gained the ability to learn to use tools. This fantastical tale is still taught to our children in textbooks.
The portrayal of Öcalan as a god or a prophet gained acceptance among some PKK terrorists (God is beyond that). Such a system idolized the leader as a god also facilitated obedience to the leader. The ones questioning the system have no right to live anyway. “Salute to Apo. KCK” |
Marx developed the idea of communism after being inspired by the fake theory of evolution and claimed that history developed through dialectics, assuming a dialectic development exists among the living beings. However, neither living beings nor history developed through dialectic. Evolution is a complete fallacy. |
At this point, it will be useful to remind ourselves of an important fact we have already touched on; in the same way that there is no scientific evidence for a change from the primitive to the more advanced in living things, so there is none for the course of history taking place within such a dialectic. There have therefore never been any “primitive” periods in which “primitive” entities were living. Ever since its creation, mankind has consisted of intelligent and civilized communities, so much so that there are traces of societies in the past that were more advanced and civilized than we are today. (For detailed information see, A Historical Lie, The Stone Ageby Harun Yahya)
According to the false conception of history that Marx based on the equally false theory of evolution, there were semi-naked ape-like men with spears in their hands and children wandering around at random. The women would gather fruit or prepare food. These people spent most of their time finding sources of food and shared everything with one another. They ate the animals they hunted together. They shared their weapons, their food and even their women.
Through this picture, materialists - and especially communists - seek to describe a model of society in which there was no greed or selfishness. Marxists maintain that there will be no social conflict in a society in which there are no anxieties over acquiring possessions or having a family. In fact, however, the society described is so degenerate that not only does it have no private property, but also no idea of morality or religion. Conflict will manifest itself in the form of slaughter in the streets, severe conflict and wars in such societies that have lost all values. Immorality and degeneracy will reach indescribably high levels.
Neo-liberal capitalism is certainly a materialistic system that brings with it disaster. However, its only solution is the Islamic morality based on the Qur'an, not communism with a more violent ideology. |
Of course there is much to be criticized in savage capitalism, and we have looked at these issues and examined the harmful aspects of capitalist thinking in detail in various previous publications. However, this mythical communal system, fabricated in order to criticize the savage aspects of capitalism, describes an even more horrendous system by discounting everything that makes human beings human, such as faith, religion, sacred values, the family and morality. A climate in which there is no fear of God will soon turn into a battleground in which savagery, violence and psychopathic behavior run riot. Unpreventable degeneracy in which women and children are regarded as being owned in common will ensue, and no institutions or values will remain. As a result of the claims of the theory of evolution being regarded as true, the individuals that constitute such a society will be treated as mere animals that have yet to complete their development, and violence will become a simple matter. It must not be forgotten that the greed-driven system produced by capitalism is not the only factor that drives people to selfishness and violence; the fundamental cause is the absence of fear of God. It is therefore utterly deceptive to paint a picture of happiness within this mythical communal way of living that is bereft of faith and moral values.
If we wish the tragedies caused by present-day capitalism to come to an end, and if we wish people to live as equals and enjoy freedom, love, human rights and democracy, the only way of achieving this is set out in the Qur’an. Only a social system based on the Qur’an, and not superstitions fabricated in the name of Islam, can enable all people to live in prosperity and justice.
To return to the communal system of which the PKK dreams, this fantasy, based on no scientific reality whatsoever, is set out in the initial part of the KCK Contract in the words “Based on the historical tradition of democratic and communal living of the Kurdish people…” and claims that Kurdish people once lived like that. In the view of both Marx and of his follower, Abdullah Öcalan, matters present in modern-day society, such as profit-making and the acquisition of property, religion and moral values are all regarded as a loss of values of communal society. The web site Serxwebun (Independence), one of the PKK’s publishing organizations, describes the importance of communal living in these terms:
In a communal society, which is a prerequisite for the communist system, all the members of society other than the leaders are considered as "sheep to herd". |
The communal quality in the formation of a social existence is a question related to the essence, not to shape. It proves that society can only survive in a communal manner. Losing the communal quality is identical to not being a society any longer. Any development against communal values means also the loss of certain values of the society. That being the case, it is realistic to regard communal life as the fundamental life-style. The human being species cannot maintain its existence without this life-style.
By means of the expression in the quotation, stated as “any development against communal values,” the moral values such as religion and good morality are intended. In such a system founded on no moral values, it is impossible for concepts like mercy, compassion or love to prevail. For that reason, due to this distorted belief system, man is considered to be a worthless being. As a result of that mindset, for example, a senior member of the PKK is easily able to order the terrorists under his command to shoot their injured colleagues in the head (this will be described in detail under the heading “Internal executions in the PKK”). According to them, children being injured during demonstrations or women being killed are unimportant. In these people’s opinion, even if they are Kurds women and children are of no more value than sheep, and there is therefore nothing wrong with sacrificing them.
The need for a return to communal living and the importance of this to the organization is set out as follows in the introduction to the KCK Contract:
The recreation of a communal democracy with modern values means again making socialism once again the rising star.
As we have seen, the ultimate aim is to build a communist order, for which reason a communal society must be established within the present-day order.
The problem is that the communal lifestyle desired by the PKK is the exact opposite of the lifestyle of our Kurdish brothers in Southeast Anatolia. There is no religion in communal life, and the Kurdish people cannot live without their faith. There is no such concept as the family in communal life, yet family and tribal values are of prime importance to our Kurdish brothers. Communal living allows its members to engage in sexual relations with whomever they wish; mother, sister or other female individual. Such an institution would quickly become a nightmare for our Kurdish brothers.
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