19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Our reason for exposing the Evangelical plan

It is of course Muslims who fail to be united among themselves
who are primarily responsible for the fragmentation in the
Middle East. These Muslims are divided along lines of sect,
race or ethnicity, and are all in a state of disagreement.
As a result, the blood of their brothers is constantly being
spilled in the Middle East.
It is important for this important fact to be emphasized several times throughout the book: our aim in exposing the Evangelical plans set out in this book is not to denigrate the Evangelicals or the neoconservatives. These people may imagine they are acting properly in the light of their beliefs. As God makes clear in several verses of the Qur’an, Christians and Jews are Muslims’ friends and brothers: All those parts of the Torah and the Gospel that are compatible with the Qur’an are valid in the eyes of Muslims too, and Muslims have a responsibility to respect these two Abrahamic faiths and to treat their members with love and affection. It is therefore very important for it to be known that this book you are reading was not written to offend or denigrate any faith or sect or their members.
In addition, the fact is that whatever plan is set in motion in Islamic territories, it is the Muslims themselves who live in those lands and fail to be united who are responsible for any turmoil arising in them. Blaming others for this state of turmoil in the Middle East means a failure to grasp the real problem. The real problem in the Middle East - and other Muslim lands - is that Muslims are divided on various sectarian and ethnic pretexts and fail to unite and come together. Sadly, a great majority of them have adopted a false religion of nonsense under the name of Islam, have turned their backs on the Qur’an and fail to understand God’s message to them in the Qur’an. It has, of course, been quite easy for hatred to grow in a society that has remained backward under the influence of the religion of nonsense, one that is fragmented, a culture that regards women as worthless, democracy as meaningless and the arts as forbidden. It is therefore the Muslim world that is most easily affected by tiny sparks and allows its own region to turn into a place of turmoil that is largely responsible for this picture.
On the other hand, when we look at the course they take, Evangelicals’ aims, and the errors in the paths and methods selected by them to achieve that aim, may result in great and terrible consequences for the Middle East. The terrible outcome we discuss here is the birth and spread of a Marxist system that will inflict disaster on the world, and its dissemination across the world. When that happens, the Evangelicals will realize that what they expected has not happened, and that the world is headed towards destruction. It is essential to issue a warning before it is too late.
If the true facts on this subject are laid out, then it will be possible to build a more peaceable and better Middle East together with America and Europe, and especially with the neoconservatives. The potentially disastrous price to be paid as a result of this plan therefore needs to be made clear before it is too late.

3.  Yasin Yaylar, İsrail Amerika ve Evanjelizm, Altınpost yayıncılık, 2012, s. 603. A.g.e.  s. 1194. A.g.e. s. 735. A.g.e. s. 74

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